Viable Paradise

Earlier this year, I set myself a goal to submit something to the Viable Paradise writing workshop. This was a big step for me. I talk about writing but it's hard to set time aside for it. I suppose a therapist would say that I don't treat myself as important or I don't value putting time aside for me. Anyway, I set out to finish three novel chapters, 8,000 words, by June 30th and submit them for consideration to Viable Paradise.
And yesterday, I sent it off. Honestly, it was a weird emotional high. I think I really believe that something was going to happen at the last minute and I wasn't going to finish, I wasn't going to get to the post office, the post office was going to explode... I don't know.

Thanks to S_ and to L_ for reading the first and second drafts. I cut a lot to fit it to 8,000 words, but it is much better and tighter for the cuts.

I don't really, or can't really to be more honest, imagine myself actually at the workshop, hobnobbing with John Scalzi and Elizabeth Bear and other luminaries. I'll have to deal with that if it comes to it.

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